Outreach Nutrition Consultation Services


Aging and other health issues like “3 highs” (high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, high blood sugar levels) have become more significant among the Hong Kong population. Moreover, with inflation, food expenditure and meal planning are a source of pressure to low-income families in particular. Unhealthy eating habits and insufficient intake of energy & nutrients not only cause harm on children’s health in long-term, but also retard their growth and brain development, leading to complications such as short stature, underweight and iron-deficiency anemia.


Along with nutrition talk collaborations, our registered dietitians also offer outreach consultation and other relevant services to fulfil your organisation’s need.


For dietitian’s outreach service and professional training enquiry, please fill in the form, may also contact the Community Nutrition Service at 3188 9994.


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Community Nutrition Service offers online nutrition talk to avoid crowds and to maintain social distancing. Dietitians are able to share nutrition tips on epidemic prevention via webinar mode.



Kindergartens (including kindergartens for special needs)


Registered dietitians provide school stationing or visiting services for pre-school institutions/kindergartens, primary schools, students and school meal suppliers. Services including:

  • to-1 child nutrition consultation
  • Nutrition talk, workshops with special topics, staff training
  • Snacks, nutrition consultation on menu design and improvement
  • Cooking class, snack making for family




Primary/Secondary School


Apart from talks with a wide array of nutrition topics that are regularly held, Community Nutrition Service offers talks with specified topics upon schools’ requests. Talks are hosted by registered dietitians or nutritionist. Meanwhile, the department also provide assistance for school in both planning and implementing health promotions, such as organizing a “Vegetable Week”, serving all primary and secondary school students, teachers, parents and carers.


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Nursing Home, Elderly Day Care Centre, Hostel for Intellectual Disabled People


Registered dietitians provides professional outreach consultation on diet nutrition for homes, elderly centres, hostel for mentally handicapped people, schools and school meal suppliers. Services including:

  • Nutrition evaluation


  • Individual nutrition assessment and counselling


  • Meal review and evaluation


  • Staff training


  • Talks and nutrition support groups


  • Recipe evaluation and consultation


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Our Registered Dietitians can aid in the planning and implementation of various one-off or series of nutrition programmes for corporate staff and clients, with the aim to improve staff health and wellbeing and improve overall corporate work efficiency.


Target users: All corporate clients, NGOs, public and private organisations (including but not limited to: day care centres, hostels, public transport companies or construction firms)


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Professional Training (for Medical Staff/Allied Health Staff Care Workers, Chef, Teachers, etc)


本頁圖片/檔案 - professional trainingCommunity Nutrition Workshops, funded by the Community Chest, aims to deliver relevant professional training for staff working at social welfare organisations, for examples nursing home, hostels, day care centres and child care centres. 


Target group:

  • Allied health service workers (e.g. social workers, nurses)
  • All front-line supporting staffs (e.g. care workers, healthcare assistants, chefs, catering staff)
  • Teachers 


Our Community Nutrition Workshops focus on 3 main themes, in order to assist organisations to provide a more holistic service for public health, in both theoretical and practical means. Each workshop duration is 2-3 hours and all workshops are hosted by our registered dietitians. (Feasibility of cooking demonstration will depend on the venue size and audience size, please enquire our service for more information.)


Community Nutrition Workshops have expanded our training service to online platform. Hence, no matter where you work, all colleagues can equip well with nutrition knowledge and fight against the pandemic together.





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