Integrated Home Care Service
Provide home care service to elderly, disabled person and needy ones in Tai Po District and increase the living quality of service users in order to:
- Enjoy the live in community
- Reinforce self-help abilities
- Master suitable skills for adapting change of physical condition
- Avoid inadequate hospitalisation and residential care service
Service Target
Frail Cases:
- People aged 60 or above
Home Support Services:
- People aged 60 or above who are assessed to be at the state of mild impairment or requiring higher level of care under interRAITM Check-up assessment tool or assessed and recommended for Home Support Services under the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services
- People with disabilities
- Individuals and families with social needs
Frail Cases
Elderly persons assessed to be in the state of frail case by the Standardised Care Need Assessment Mechanism for Elderly Services are eligible.
Home Support Services
Give a call to or visit us in person or receive a referral from community service organisations, hospitals, the Social Welfare Department, etc. After the application, home visiting will be arranged by social worker to assess applicants’ eligibility.
*People with disabilities or individuals and families with social needs: application for HSS have to be referred by registered social workers from social welfare service units.
Service Fee
With reference to the standard charges employed by the Social Welfare Department and the applicant's economic status.
Termination of Service
Users are entitled to terminate the service with one month notice. Social workers will periodically evaluate the level of service.