Community Nutrition Service

Community Nutrition Service provides various services related to diet and nutrition in order to promote the importance of healthy eating from individual to community-level, thus encouraging the general public to practise well-balanced diet to achieve wellness.


Service Scope

Dietitians provide nutrition assessment and dietary management plans and offer diet counselling service according to service users’ physical conditions, such as being underweight, overweight or obesity


Outreach Nutrition Consultation Service

Dietitians provide outreach nutrition consultation and advice to elderly nursing homes, elderly centres, hostels for people with special needs, child care centres, schools, and catering service providers, etc., to enhance the nutrition and quality of meals. The consultation service includes nutrition training for staff and employee, menu review and evaluation.


Nutrition Talks and Workshops

Nutrition courses, seminars and workshops are organized regularly. We offer a diversity of nutrition topics, including nutrition labels reading, cooking demonstrations, diabetes support groups, healthy meal plans for preventing and managing hypertension, high cholesterol and high blood sugar, anti-stress diets and so on. Through live demonstrations and interactive learning, participants can learn and apply nutrition knowledge in their daily lives.


In addition, tailoring different sectors’ (public and private organisations, schools, and social welfare organisations) needs, a variety of nutrition talks and activities are provided, for example Employees’ Healthy Diet Day.


Nutrition Education & Promotion

By organising large-scale promotional programmes, dietitians aim to raise the public awareness of healthy eating habits, such as reducing of dietary sodium and sugar, increasing the consumption of fruits and vegetables and physical activity, among the public, thereby to minimize the risks of non-communicable diseases, like cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and cancers.


Nutrition Recipe (Chinese only)


Service Team

The team consists of accredited / registered dietitians with recognized clinical training and professional qualifications, in the fields of elderly nutrition and community nutrition promotion. The team has extensive and significant experience in cross-sector collaboration with government departments, private enterprises, charitable organisations and academic institutions delivering numerous community education programmes and health promotion events.


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