Good Neighbour Network


Good Neighbour Network Service

UCN established the Good Neighbour Network in 1982, and it was the first service in Hong Kong to establish a community supporting network for patients with chronic illness. The objective is to bring all the parties in community, such as volunteers and neighbours, together to support chronically ill patients and carers; to improve their living quality, easing their burdens on the way to rehabilitation and ageing in place.


This service is available in Sau Mau Ping, Tai Po, and Tin Shui Wai. Services are as follows:

  • Counselling and referral
  • Home visit
  • Social groups and activities
  • Drop-in service and blood pressure measurement
  • Rehabilitation aids lending
  • Health promotion and education


Service Target

  • Chronic ill patients (with hypertension, stroke, diabetes etc.)
  • Family members and carers of chronically ill patients



  • Direct application
  • Application subjected to assessments by social worker
  • Membership fee is charged annually


Membership Renewal

The renewal process begins in April every year


Membership Withdrawal

Members may contact staff in the Centre for the application of withdrawal


online booking