Premarital Support Service

Apart from health concerns, the coherence of a couple living together is also important. UCN offers premarital counselling and diet counselling service for couples’ advantages.


Guidance on Contraception Use and Pregnancy

A variety of contraceptive methods, such as contraceptive pills and hormonal injection, are available at UCN centres. Our family doctor will give you the best advice on family planning and contraception according to individual needs, including:

  • Get Vaccinated: It can effectively prevent women from contracting infectious diseases during pregnancy and reduce the risk of affecting the health of the baby.
  • Take folic acid before pregnancy for health care: Folic acid can help the body produce red blood cells, reduce the risk of iron deficiency and anaemia during pregnancy, and support fetal growth and the initial development of the central nervous system, reducing the chance of spinal defects (spinal bifida).


Vaccination Service
Hepatitis A and Hepatitis B Vaccines It is suitable for people who are uninfected and have no hepatitis antibodies.
Measles and Rubella Vaccines Measles and rubella vaccinations are required before pregnancy to reduce the chance of infecting the baby.
Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccine Human Papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine is effective in preventing cervical cancer, other cancers and diseases caused by HPV infection. In Hong Kong, HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 accounted for about 90% of cases of cervical cancer. UCN provides the 9-valent HPV vaccine that includes all the above seven genotypes.
Vaccines for Your Children

Getting your child vaccinated on time will help protect them from developing serious diseases.

  • Mumps Vaccine
  • Pertussis Vaccine
  • Diphtheria and Tetanus Vaccine
  • Varicella Vaccine
  • Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine (PCV 15)
  • Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine


本頁圖片/檔案 - icon_gift  Those who choose the premarital health check plan can enjoy special discounts.


Premarital Counselling Service 

UCN’s emotional health & counselling centre provides five-session pre-marital counselling services, including personality dimensions test, establishment of appropriate communication skills, conflict management, discussion of post-marital expectations, etc gain deeper understanding of current relationship and build a stronger foundation in marriage.

Enquiry: 2349 3212


Premarital Diet Counselling (individual/couple) 

Community nutrition service offers dietary consultation and measurements for weight, body fat and muscle ratio by our registered dietitians for couples, in order to help about-to-wed couples get in shape for the big day and build healthy diet habits on their new journey.


Enquiry: 2172 0727



Premarital Support Service Original Special Offer*

Premarital Counselling Service (5 sessions,75mins/each)

$4,800 $4,320
Premarital Diet Counselling

Individual $490 - $540

Couple $980 - $1,080

Individual $390

Couple $780

Charges are subject to the latest price list.

* Special offer is only applicable to participant of Premarital Health Check Plan, and is only applicable on weekdays (Mon to Fri) at designated community health centres.

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